Country Living: Lowering The Cost Of Homeowner's Insurance On Remote Rural Homes
Insurance policy rates are based on risk. Rates are raised when an insurance company determines a specific type of person, home or vehicle are involved in the claims process more frequently than others. Likewise, there are a number of factors that help to lower policy prices. For homeowners some of the best discounts are obtained when a home is located near a fire hydrant or emergency services. So how do homeowners who choose to live in extremely isolated areas protect their property without paying more than they can afford? There are ways anyone, even families living off the grid, can encourage their insurer to charge them less.
Install a Hydrant When municipal hydrants are not available, there is the option of the homeowner installing their own. These private hydrants, known as dry hydrants, must be connected to some type of reliable water supply to be functional. Installing a pond to use as a cistern is recommended if a natural pond or river are not available on the property.
Place Furnace Outside The majority of rural heating systems rely on wood because of the difficulty of getting fuel deliveries, the lack of natural gas lines and the potential for frequent power outages. Wood heat is more reliable and readily available to homeowners in rural areas, but it does put the home at a much higher risk of a house fire. With an outdoor wood furnace, the risk as well as the mess is kept outside. These furnaces are available as boilers too and make it easy to heat hot water as well as the home. With the actual flame outside of the living structure, the risk of a house fire is greatly reduced.
Purchase Some Security Rural properties are often at risk for burglary due to the lack of potential witnesses in the area. While a home that is inhabited year round is less of a target than seasonal rural homes, there are still risks. Surveillance cameras are a good option because they provide documentation of who committed the crime and when they are kept in clear view of people approaching the property they often are a deterrent to thieves.
Use Reliable Materials Homeowners who build in rural areas need to make certain the materials they use are as safe as possible. All building products should offer the highest rating of fire-resistance and stability against wind and other elements. Concrete framing and metal roofing systems generally offer a higher level of safety from wildfires than wood.
Seek Other Discounts Anyone looking for insurance will want as many discounts as possible and a homeowner who is already considered high-risk because of where their home is located should seek these discounts out even more. Look for veteran's discounts, senior discounts, any savings for a good credit rating and the benefits of bundling multiple insurance plans. Avoid other options that cause concern to insurance companies. Do not own a trampoline or one of the dogs that insurance companies consider to be dangerous, such as German shepherds or pit bulls.
Even with these extra steps it may take several tries to find an insurance company that wants to cover an isolated property. Keep all receipts for any improvements made to increase safety and document other details about what makes the property less of a risk. This could include that the owners work from home, so the property is rarely empty and at risk for theft. Explain the steps taken to keep trees pruned so they cannot harm the home if they fall during a storm. Persistence is often needed, but it there are ways to get affordable protection for a remote home. Contact a company like Accredited Insurance Group Inc for more information.